Oil, Solvents, and Wastes
Phase Separation Science analyzes samples oil, solvent and waste samples to determine if they meet state or federal cleanup standards under the: Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). In addition to regulated cleanup levels, disposal facilities that take in contaminated soils have their own requirements.
Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA).
Hazardous waste characterization for disposal and other wastes regulated under Resource Conservation Recovery Act (RCRA)
Private disposal facilities such as Soil Safe and Clean Earth that have their own requirements
Phase performs TCLP (Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure which tests to determine the mobility of metals, volatiles, semivolatiles, pesticides and herbicides), flashpoint, reactivity, PCB, TOX/EOX (for organic halides) and corrosivity (pH). Analysis is preformed using the guidance from EPA SW846 Methods (Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods)
Additionally, Phase analyzes unknown products, solvents or fuels to provide product identification or fingerprinting. The unknown product is identified by matching it to a chromatogram of a known standard by a GC/FID analysis. If needed, additional analysis by GC/MS is performed for tentatively identified compounds (TICs) and comparison to a library of almost 108,000 analytes. Common solvents and fuels identified include ethylene and propylene glycol, alcohols, chlorinated solvents and various fuel types including gasoline, jet fuels and diesel.
Learn More About Petroleum and Solvent Identification/Fingerprinting
- Analysis
- Method
- Extractable Organic Halides (EOX)
- Flash Point
- PCBs
- Product ID or Comparison by Gas Chromatography
- EPA 9020B / 9023 / 9078
- EPA 1020A
- EPA 8082A
- Various